Thought For The Day


There’s a crowd headed for the sign-up sheet where one indicates their desire to run for President of the United States. We’re still a couple of years away from the next Presidential election but the furor is building and Believers are going to have a head full of conflicting information to sort and understand if they are planning to vote in the coming election.

Listening to some of the speakers this week it is clear that opinions abound. Truth is a little difficult to find. A rich mixture of both (opinions and Truth) tend to keep most of us a bit confused.

Rand Paul is a Republican with strong Libertarian leanings I think. He is strong on liberty, but a little weak on Godly principles. Speaking at the big doings this past week:

“There’s a great battle going on. It’s for the heart and soul of America,” Paul told a swelling crowd, focusing on civil liberties instead of social issues. (Associated Press)

Here’s a Word of Truth for you this week. Civil liberties are a good thing in our Country, but are often abused and abusing when extended beyond the liberty of God’s Word. There is only one battle for the “heart and soul” and that is a battle between God and the Enemy. Every other battle is for the mind.

My suggestion (I wish I could mandate) for you is to surrender heart and soul to God Almighty. Then, fight for liberty in line with the Truth of His Word. America will cease to be great, and perhaps cease to exist when the maximum of God’s grace has reached its apex. While His grace is no doubt infinite in llove and forgiveness, it appears to be limited in practice for those who refuse the Truth. Take a moment to read Romans 1.

See, I told you so.


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