Thought For The Day

Seeing Both Sides

Every find yourself identifying with both sides of an issue? Well. . .at least in part, I sorta do regarding this:

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – A Texas man seen in a viral video swerving his car and knocking over two people on a motorcycle as they were passing him has been arrested and charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, authorities said on Tuesday.

Running people off the road is NEVER an option. A car is a deadly weapon when used in any illegal manner. The charges in this case, if proved in court, are justified, right, and the next stop ought to be prison.
Now, having said that, and being an occasional motorcycle rider, I can identify with the reality that cars don’t or won’t see bikes, and cutting them off, changing lanes almost into them, stopping and starting without regard to bikers position in traffic, is more common than one can believe. To ride a motorcycle is to take one’s life in one’s hands and offer it up to others on the road. But the reality is, many riders are dangerous, speeders, weave through traffic at breakneck speeds, and create a hazard that scares the living daylights out of me when I am driving my car down a freeway at 70mph and a crotch rocket rips around me at 100mph or better. Sometimes I want to. . .well, I don’t, of course. Many riders are just old folks like me, trying to enjoy a little lost youth, fresh air, and the freedom of a motorcycle ride on a beautiful day.
Funny, it reminds me of Church. I understand why some people are scared to attend (like bikers are wary of cars). They never know when they are going to be knocked around by people who just don’t like them, fear them, or are convinced they are “different.” Sometimes  people are “different” and use that to intimidate Church folk.
Well, here’s the solution. Treat everyone on the road, and at Church like that person was your mother, father, brother, sister, best friend (you pick some choices), or whatever. Isn’t that sorta the idea behind Matthew 7:12?

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