Thought For The Day

A Good Thing

Eric Cantor lost his seat in Congress. He will serve out this term – then, probably, begin doing to others what has  been done to him.

Lobbying firms representing corporations, Wall Street, and industry trade associations have spent years pouring money into Cantor’s campaigns, hiring his former staffers, and otherwise investing in access to the former House Majority Leader, who was, until somewhere around dinner time on Tuesday, widely considered to be not only a shoe-in for reelection but also the next-in-line for Speaker of the House. (Time)

I am surprised that Time, or any other news source, would make such a statement without the least bit of hesitation. It is clear that the people of his Congressional District did not have the access or the clout possessed by others when it came to Governing. However, in the end, it was those very people, his real constituents, who made the final decision.

There is nothing new here regarding Governing, but something very new in that people finally awakened to the reality that Congressional Representatives and Senators, for the most part, represent those who supply the funds. We (the local people in each Congressional District of United States) have lost oversight of Congress, lost essential freedoms, lost control of any budgetary constraints, and live under a centralized Government controlled primarily by “lobbyists, corporations, Wall Street and industry trade associations.”

My hope is this primary election will begin a series of changes in the way Government works. I have grave doubts that it is possible to turn the behemoth, but perhaps, slowly and surely. . . .

I am please to be reminded that in this World no lobby is influencing the grace of God. He still lavishes llove and mercy on those who least deserve it – even me. He still pours out blessing on those who are obedient. He still loves with an infinite focus on all who will believe.  YEA, GOD!!


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