Thought For The Day

Be Kind

I was talking with a friend when the name of another friend came up in the conversation. My bride was sitting nearby, talking with someone else. The friend I was with immediately turned to her and asked if she knew how the friend whose name had come up had “hurt” him in an encounter that had occurred some months ago. He then preceded to tell her the story of his hurt letting her know that he would never “forget” or “forgive the way he was treated” by that person. (I have asked him to do those very thing repeatedly.)

Titus 3:2 reminds us that we are to “be kind.” Paul tells Titus that we are to never slander someone, avoid fighting, and show gentleness to all people, even those who treat us. . .badly? He states that those negative characteristics have been a part of our life as well, in most cases – but being redeemed we are to move on from that kind of disregard for others, and rather, reveal the Truth by the way we live and speak.

As a leader in the Church, Titus was to “insist on these things, so that those who have believed God might be careful to devote themselves to good works.” (verse 8) It is not an uncommon thing to hear the kind of talk that damages the reputation of others, and destroys our ability to demonstrate the grace of God for the eyes and ears of those who so desperately need to be “born again into the Kingdom of God.”

I am always disappointed when I hear the people of God speaking badly of another. Certainly in todays society we must oppose the demonstrations of the Enemy’s power and control over those with whom we come in contract, but speaking negatively is not the best way to gain a hearing – and certainly not in relationship to a fellow Believer.

I was embarrassed for my friends (the one speaking and the one spoken about). Be kind! Always! Your words indicate the condition of your heart!

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