Thought For The Day

Beavers and Church Members

I have had zero experience with beavers until this week. All of a sudden some of my favorite trees are down, others nearly down, and my landscape is changing in a manner that will affect me negatively and will for a long time.

I have been protecting and managing some trees around my lake for years and years. Now, a beaver, or group of beavers, or tribe of beavers, has invaded my property and is cutting them down faster than I can imagine. I have been trying to find them – with absolutely no luck. I have been up all times of the night looking and searching – nothing. They must be watching me, and when I head for them, they head out.

I was telling a friend that I would be glad for them to help me clear the trees I don’t want, and the brush I spend so much time trying to clean up. Instead they cut the straightest, most beautiful trees in the area around the lake literally destroying part of the beauty. If only I could talk to them, show them how easy it would be to take care of business, and get them to show up when I can help them choose the best way to accomplish God’s design for them.

My friend said, “reminds you of Church, doesn’t it?” Yep! How many congregations are flush with members that can’t be found, and are no help at all in accomplishing the goal. It is impossible to talk with them and share directions for accomplishing the tasks at hand.

Hebrews 10:25 reminds us to “not forsake the assembly of ourselves together.” The beavers are not cooperating, but then neither are a lot of God’s children when it comes to the Church’s activities.

Both frustrate me.

One Comment

  • dp

    Maybe we need to set some traps for them? Sometimes I see people leave during a “tough” sermon, and I wonder if they fell into the “trap” they did not need to hear that much truth? That they there were better than so and so; vs looking at the only example.
    A song has stuck with me (and yes it is a contemporary song) but the words are that the same power that raised Jesus from the Dead lives in me. I don’t think there is much that we cannot accomplish (with our without the “beavers”).

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