Thought For The Day


I have a hero. Not the kind you might think. My hero is my friend who is helping me by building an interesting spot in an unlikely space. I buy lumber and other assorted items and together (he works, I watch) we are building my “thing.”

It doesn’t matter what is needed, with a few measurements, a saw, a hammer, and a mind that seems to create out of thin air the plan for what is required, the project is coming to fruition. He’s my hero!

I want to be like that in helping to build the lives around me – don’t you? Taking the tools and resources at hand, to intervene in the life of one who is struggling, or untrained, or tired of the hassles, or willing but unable, till that individual comes to a maturity that allows him to succeed on his own.

I am convinced that is the calling in the life of Believers. I am certain that is the role of the Church (Believers gathered to Worship and minister to one another) in society. My hero takes what is available and creates what what is needed, and he does so always with my best interest at heart.

His skill and hard work may be the best temporal example of our (read: Believers) Spiritual purpose.

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