Thought For The Day

Can’t We?

Several years ago Rodney (Los Angeles) said, “Can’t we all just get along?” I don’t remember, but I am sure there were people who got the answer right. . .and wrong. I am sure the answer is, “No!”

Almost all of us, and there may be a few not included, are far to selfish and self-centered.  No matter how concerned or even altruistic we may appear, deep inside us there is a desire to seek our own welfare above that of others.

Even the best of folks have a longing to be recognized, to be thought important, to matter (as it were), in this universe we call society.

Hence, there are conflicts and struggles that lead to divisions – major or minor –  and break the bonds of unity.

The Truth is that we are born that way.  It’s in our genes, if you will, and nothing short of becoming a new creation will start a change toward rectifying the dilemma.

Many want to be selfless. That takes more than can be mustered by almost all. Jesus of Nazareth succeeded, and no, not because He was God, but because He was obedient to the submission He chose; a willingness to forgo His rightful position and complete the task of redeeming mankind. (see Philippians 2)

Don’t  hear me saying the Redeemed are selfless and able to “get along.” Far from it (very far from it), but the possibility exists. It is there for the willing. Surely there are some who are willing. Surely.



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