Thought For The Day

Change – It’s Still Coming

Death, Taxes, Change. They are all in our future. The latter two come so fast it makes the first one seem like it takes a long time, but then death is always later, expected sometime well beyond today.

I am hoping my car will last until we reach the point where people won’t have cars anymore. One will just call Uber (or some other company depending on the change), or a car that drives itself,  and they/it  will pick you up and take you where you are going and you won’t need to drive or own a car. Shopping for clothes, food, toys, supplies, parts. . .whatever will all be online. Stores similar to where we shop now will become warehouses run by robots with AI sharper than we, and it will be delivered to you the same day, probably within the hour you order it. You might not like that as much (or maybe like it more), but you will need every minute of time you have to work, whether somewhere else, or in your own home, to pay the taxes.

I enjoy talking to “older” people. I know some who were born near the beginning of the last Century. They will tell you of “normal” things that were a  part of their life that we can only imagine. Our society is changing faster and faster every day. Have you ever tried to explain a “bluetooth speaker playing songs from your phone with no wires” to an old person? I know it is common among us, but amazing really when  you think about how quickly that sort of thing comes now. New and different, a change from yesterday, every day, that is the normal for us.

I attend a meeting each month were Church leaders, at the end of the session, talk about what is going on in their Church. It’s about changes, new activities, actions, music, worship styles, etc. When it’s my turn I just tell the Truth. At the  Church I attend “change” is not a favorite thing. We just do the same thing over and over. Truth is, that is why I attend there. I llove to sing the old and new hymns that proclaim the Truth I have know  since I was a young boy. I want new songs that lift up Christ and share the omnipotence and majesty of our Lord.  I want to hear the Scriptural Truth that I have heard all my life presented with clarity and authority. I want to worship in a manner that is God centered. . .never human centered. I want to focus on lloving each other as we are commanded to do. An hour  on Sunday morning with smoke and mirrors, laser lights and amazing performances, is of no value to me. I don’t want to hear a barroom band from Saturday night. I am not interested in the “very latest” methods to increase attendance, build larger buildings, and raise more money. I  have not and will not change with those who believe they have a “better way” than God’s way.

Yes, I am old. But I am also wise (to some degree). God never changes. The Truth never changes. God’s Spirit within us, teaching, maturing, leading, guiding, bringing hope, joy, peace, comfort — well, He never changes. Believe me, that is GOOD!


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