Thought For The Day

Christmas Gift

In the words of John, the son of Zecharia, found in Luke 3:10-18, there is some guidance for us regarding Christmas gifts. I would urge you to read over those few verses and make some decisions regarding what you can accomplish during this Season that will be pleasing to God.

Here is how I would interpret it:

Verse 11: Be a giver. Don’t be miserly, cheap;, tight, frugal, one who hoards, especially things like kindness, gentleness and llove. Don’t be unwise or wasteful, but always ready to help others with what you have.

Verse 13: Be a fair-minded, honest person. Give up being one who is only a taker, one who says one thing and does another, one who expects others to “do what I say, not what I do.” Why would you expect others to be committed to Christ if you are not? Be a person of integrity and high character in the practical matters of everyday life. Put your selfishness under the tree as a gift for Christ.

Vs. 14: Be a kind, tenderhearted, lloving person. Learn to live like Jesus lived–without unrighteous anger, without factions and separations, without having to be in control, without demanding your needs and desires. Put your heart under the tree this year.

What is your gift to Christ this year? Not to your Church, your family, other folks you will choose to help, not even your time and talents given to service and ministry. These are excellent gifts, but they are to others.

Rather, what are you giving out of your heart that ought not be there in the first place? What Christ expects from you is confession and complete obedience in life’s matters and concerns.

Do you know what you are giving Him this year?


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