Thought For The Day


Commitment – the state of being bound emotionally and intellectually to some course of action.

A commitment is a conscious decision to take a specific action or non-action to create a desire result. Commitment is not a question of “if,” but of “how.”

Individuals make commitments all the time. Some every day. . .some not so much. One of my current heroes is the Mayor of the town on the outskirts of which I live. He has made a commitment to make our city better in a multitude of ways, from cleaning up everything in sight to adding to the beauty of our streets and roads, and taking action on new and better ways to make government work for the citizens. And he does it without fanfare, never calling attention to himself, or taking the easy road of passing the heavy lifting along to another. I see him presiding at City Council, watering the flowers at the Heritage Center, putting up the flags that make our city noticeable, leading in work of establishing our new Civic Center, all the while participating in most, if not all, of the activities that occurs among our citizens

Scripture give us clear keys to successful commitment. Of course the Bible focuses on the commitments needed in the Church of Jesus Christ, but the Truths are applicable to any action of commitment.

First, there must be a compelling desire. With compelling desire driving one’s life, “insurmountable” obstacles become exciting challenges.

Second, there must be clear action. Clarity of the steps to take facilitates action and increases the likelihood of success.

Third, count the cost. Identify the costs, then consciously choose whether one is willing to pay the price. It is helpful when one is in the middle of the payment to recognize that one anticipated that payment and decided it was worth it. That is reinforcing and empowering.

Fourth, act on the commitment – not a feeling. Commitment shapes one’s life. Making and keeping commitments starts a constructive process that allows one to become all that one can be.

Greatness is achieved when one choses to do the things that one knows need to done. Make a commitment to choose the best things, then choose them again tomorrow.


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