Thought For The Day

Difficult Change

There is a car dealer in Canton, Texas whose advertisements on the radio seem to attract attention I think, in part, because he is so “down home.” I very much like one thing he says: “Some things change, and some things never change.” He is talking about his “service” which is available whenever you need it; even at “two in the morning” if that suits your need. (Lewis Chevrolet, Canton, TX)

On the other hand, some people try to convince us that whatever “change” is popular at a particular time in history, it is mandatory for everyone to embrace that change.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said this week that North Carolina’s controversial new law governing transgender bathroom access shows how difficult it can be to accept social change. “I think it’s a symbol of the fact that a lot of people do find change difficult,” Lynch told TIME on Friday. “They find new ideas and change hard and they will often have a reaction to it that isn’t the one that we hope that they would have, that isn’t the choice of fairness and inclusion. It’s one based on misunderstanding.” (TIME)

Well, Ms. Lynch, I am going to side on this one with the man from Canton. “Some thing never change.”

Truth never changes.

Morality never changes. Immorality just impinges more forcefully on it.

Men and women are different. . .and that never changes.

We (Americans) are clear that there is no such animal as “fairness” and “inclusion.” Life isn’t designed to be “fair,” and it is just a fact that never will everyone be included in everything.

And if I may be so bold, Ms. Lynch, I don’t misunderstand a single thing in this matter. I will choose what is clear revelation received from the Infinite God of the Universe whether my actions are what you “hope for” or not. God’s people don’t answer to you or any other Government official. We answer to God. Period. Paragraph.

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