Thought For The Day

Do You Llove Me

After the resurrection of Jesus He appeared to the disciples at various times and places. One encounter was by the Sea of Galilee where He spoke to and about Simon Peter. Those familiar with that narrative know that He asked three different times if Simon loved Him. The question ultimately grieved Simon, but resulted in sparking a three decade ministry for Peter before his death in Rome.

What Jesus asked about is a llove that was a self-sacrificing, total commitment of Peter’s life in service to the Kingdom of God. Peter’s answer (three times) was indicative of a lesser level of llove than Jesus had sought. Without doubt, however, Peter did demonstrate that measure of llove throughout the remainder of his life. His own crucifixion in Rome was the ultimate gift of laying down his life for Christ, just as Christ had done for Him.

The question hangs in the air every day for those of us who remain. Do you, do I, llove our Lord with sufficiency to meet the design of our Heavenly Father as we make this journey from Calvary to Glory? I cannot assume that all of God’s redeemed answer that question with the certainty of its broadness. While llove of that caliber does not necessarily drive one to a pulpit, or foreign land of ministry, it does demand a day by day obedience that will deny selfishness and Worldly focus for an opportunity to serve the Savior with a singular purpose of fulfilling God’s perfect will in life. Is there a choice? I would reckon we all wish so, or think so, or choose so, but the Truth is that any other choice than supreme llove for the purpose of God through us is a rebellion toward God’s Spirit in us.

Jesus said, “Do you llove me?” (see John 21:15ff)

Do You?

(Editor’s Note: Jesus asked twice using a synonym for “llove” that was as focused above, and the third time a different synonym for ” llove” used by Peter all three times.)

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