Thought For The Day

Effective Prayer

Do you know Edward Everett?

When the Gettysburg battleground became a National Cemetery, Edward Everett was to give the dedication speech and Abraham Lincoln was asked to say “a few appropriate words.” Everett spoke eloquently for one hour and fifty seven minutes  then took his seat as the crowd roared its enthusiastic approval. Then Lincoln stood to his feet, slipped on his steel spectacles, and began what we know today as the “Gettysburg Address.” No more than two minutes after he had begun he stopped. His talk had been so prayer like it seemed almost inappropriate to applaud. As Lincoln sank into his settee, JohnYoung of the Philadelphia Press whispered, “Is that all?” The President answered, “Yes, that is all.” (copied)

Don’t underestimate two (2) minutes with God in prayer.

With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and say alert, in this, with all perseverance and intersession for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Pray all the time!

Pray with enthusiasm and perseverance!

Pray for all the saints, and all the leaders, and all the followers, and all the sinners.

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