Thought For The Day

External Faith

In Mark 13:1-2, as Jesus was leaving the Temple complex, one of His disciples said, “Teacher, look! What massive stones! What impressive buildings!” Jesus said to him, “Not one stone will be left here on another. They will all be thrown down.”

I was thinking of some impressive buildings I have seen – Notre Dame – Paris. The cornerstone was laid in 1163. It took 147 years to complete construction. The Basilica of the Sacred Heart – 1875- 1914, 39 years to build at a cost of 40 million Francs (and of course that is 19th century dollars). It is shimmering white and commands an unparalleled view of the city of Paris. The Cathedral of Barcelona, began in 1298, and finished in 1890’s (592 years). It has 28 side chapels and under the altar a stairs leads to the crypt of its most famous saints.

It is easy to get our focus on the externals of our faith. From the time Jesus walked on Earth till today, the problem continues.

We want things we can see and touch. We pride ourselves on our traditions and programs. Instead, of course, we need to got our focus on Christ, our Lord. Note that one of His disciples was impressed with stones and buildings even while he was walking with the infinite God of Creation.

Jesus said everything other than He, Himself,  will pass away. Someday all the incredible buildings will be gone. Our traditions and programs, our “stuff,” will be gone.

Only our relationship with Christ will last. And, it is only that which will ultimately sustain us until the end of this life on Earth.

How long will it take us to build that relationship?

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