Thought For The Day

Gone Too Soon

Down here on the farm there are a profusion of lessons to be learned. Some, just like it was in school, are easy. . .and some are much more difficult. My bride and I had to make a four day trip to Denver and when we returned we found the cutest little calf (about 24 hours old) among the cows standing around the field just beyond the barn. He/She was tiny, but cute (tiny is great for “first calf” cows).

When the cows came up this morning, looking for a handout, the calf was not with the herd. I found the cow I was sure was the mother, and questioned her as to the calf’s whereabouts. She wasn’t talking. So I searched, and the mother searched (she had lost him somewhere), but to no avail. We were sad. But, as the owner of those cows said recently, “that’s life.”

It reminds me that we human folks understand that many among us are “gone too soon.” The truth that life ends, often abruptly, and always more quickly that we would choose, is a reality for which we can be prepared. The Book of Hebrews reminds us that it is “appointed” to us to face physical death (see Hebrews 9:27), but that is not the end of life. Once born, we are immortal, we will never cease to exist, and eternity lies before each of us. What is most important to know is that we can spend that eternity in the presence of God, filled with His fullness, and transformed into the image of our Savior, or we can be separated from God’s llove and grace for that same eternity in a place of anguish, sorrow, and pain. In light of the “brevity” of life (whether that is a few years, or a hundred or more years), being prepared is tantamount to peace, comfort, hope, and joy.

Late this afternoon I went again to search for that calf. I needed to know what happened. I saw the herd in the distance. . .and joy took flight. There was the calf, standing with it’s mother. We (my bride and I) were so relieved and joyful.

That will be our joy in Heaven. . .along with the Angels, when we see you there, standing among the saints. Make sure!! You will from this life be “gone too soon.”

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