Thought For The Day


Mostly we call it – “Just telling the truth.” It is certainly not new, and many a good name, reputation, indeed whole Churches, have been ruined by a little gossip.

The current Pope (Head of the Roman Catholic Church) got it right in this quote from AFP:

“If you get an urge to say something against a brother or a sister, to drop a gossip bomb, bite your tongue! Hard!” the pontiff said in an improvised speech to members of the clergy marking the end of the Year of Consecrated Life.

There are probably very few of us who are not subject to the “urge to say something” in regard to a brother or sister. And, I will admit, sometimes what is said is true. That doesn’t make it any less gossip. Mostly we just talk about one another as if it doesn’t matter what damage, discouragement,  or disheartening the commentary brings to the life of another individual.

Paul, the Apostle, said we ought to keep our mouths shut (see Ephesians 4:29) if we are not speaking in a manner that would please the LORD and the one about whom we speak. The Church often acts as if it is our responsibility to make sure everyone knows all the “dirt” about someone else – and most often, without any regard as to the veracity of our comments.

I have had the distinct privilege of knowing some of the Church’s best (worst?) gossipers. They can get a story started and keep is circulating as if that task were a professional pursuit.

Perhaps that is exactly what it is. I am sure our LORD is not pleased.

One Comment

  • dp

    Thanks for the reminder. I know someone who finds it hard to be in various groups simply because of the gossip.
    Personally, I just make up stuff about the past pastor…just kidding, I love that guy.

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