Thought For The Day

Heard It On the Radio

I don’t mind admitting that I listen to “talk” radio when I am in my car. I am not sure if it is because I don’t change the station on my car/truck radio often, or because I identify with what I hear.

When I compare what I hear on the radio with what I hear on all the others news outlets, the former sounds more like reality to me. Or, I might say it this way, what I hear on the radio is more in line with the realities of my life.

I hear the “news” on the radio along with commentary by men like Rush Limbaugh, and I  can even swallow small doses of Michael Savage.  What they say resonates with me. When I listen to the talking heads on TV, I hear a lot about who said what about whom, and why those who are conservative, Christian, and people focused on liberty and freedom, are likely to mess up our Nation, even the World, with our “religion” and our “guns.”

I wonder how we made it this far as a Nation when, as I remember it, most people were conservative, Christian, and focused on liberty. It has only been in the last two or three decades that I have watched the “American Dream” slip away. It appears to me we have a totally centralized Government, bent on regulating every minuscule factor of life, attempting to destroy our faith in God, filling our streets with different cultures and values, demanding political correctness, promoting immorality and vice, and covering the torch of freedom with a blanket of oppression  and subjugation.

That sounds pretty negative in light of the promises of God’s Word. I understand that we are citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom, but right now we are living in this World. . .and it is a far cry from what I wanted it to be be for my kids and grandkids.


One Comment

  • dp

    Yes it resonates…funny thing that the names you mention plus one other (that you did not mention) seem to not lost any love for each other…

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