Thought For The Day


Sometimes I speak with people who indicate they are interested in attending the Church where I worship, but they have not been successful in finding out the information they need. It may be as simple as the time of services, or the address of the facility. Others may be anxious to know what our Church believes, or how we practice the ordinances. They may be interested in which version of Scripture is primary in our thinking, or if our music is similar to what they have in mind.

While we try to provide much of that information via our website – they can’t always find it. When our phone is unanswered, or an e-mail missed, our “light” is hidden.

More importantly, both individually and collectively, our whole reason for being is lost if TRUTH is not apparent. Paul, in his second letter to the Church at Corinth, said, “. . .if, in fact, our gospel is hidden, it is hidden to those who are perishing.” (2 Corinthians 4:3)

We must never be guilty of “staging events,” “pursuing programs,” or “creating activities” in lieu of (please don’t miss those two words – they are important to your understanding of this post) a clear, accurate presentation of the GOSPEL- which is the focus and entirety of God’s Word. Because the TRUTH is difficult to handle –  or hard to fit into society’s  chosen lifestyle, does not mean we cannot be clear.

Don’t be hiding the “Light.”

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