Thought For The Day

Leader? To What?

An article in Time Inc., has me confused. I guess I am once again demanding a definition of terms. What is a “leader?” Who do they “lead?”

Time calls this young man in the article a “leader of evangelicals.” A publisher has turned down his book which they had first wished to publish. He is now part (spokesperson???) of some outfit called “Evangelicals for Marriage Equality.” I suppose that is how the “world” sees “evangelicals”, and probably rightly so, as many seem to have “departed from the faith.” It appears to me that he is, if he is a leader, leading “evangelicals” away from the Truth, and that would be heretical in my opinion.

The publisher, Destiny Image, told author Brandan Robertson on Feb. 19 that it would no longer publish his manuscript, Nomad: Not-So-Religious Thoughts on Faith, Doubt, and the Journey In Between, for financial reasons. Robertson, the evangelical organizer for Faith in Public Life, who only makes a glancing reference to homosexuality in the manuscript, recently told TIME that he identifies as queer. He said the publisher told him there was concern that evangelical bookstores would not carry the book. (TIME)

One thing I have learned over many years is that age brings wisdom. I am not sure we need “leaders” who are so young.

Robertson, now 22, became the national spokesperson for Evangelicals for Marriage Equality, an initiative started by millennials to help evangelicals support civil gay marriages. (TIME)

Personally, I am not interested in following (or even listening to, from a leadership perspective) someone who titles his book  with references to “not so religious thoughts on faith” and “doubt.” If he doubts the Truth, he has nothing for me – and if I may be so bold – you. If he supports same-sex marriage, he has abandon the Truth of God’s Word. If he is a practicing homosexual (queer – his word), he is outside the scope of God’s design for mankind (which is to move beyond sin to full redemption).

No doubt real evangelicals need to pray for Mr. Robertson, and those he “leads.” But let it be clear, this “evangelical” is interested in leadership from those who know the TRUTH, live the TRUTH, and lead others to that TRUTH.


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