Thought For The Day

Living Large

I keep hoping that one of these days some long, lost relative or friend who dies will have left to me a vast fortune. My “bucket list” will have found a sponsor and my bride and I will jet off to see the rest of the World.

Too bad it wasn’t “poor” Mr. Samasko.

When authorities went to clean out his home, they found boxes of gold coins in his home and garage. County Clerk Grover’s office estimated the worth of the coins at $7 million based on the amount of gold. “There were no antiques, no crystal or family jewelry or anything like that,” Grover said. “You would never have suspected the guy would have that much…he certainly didn’t live that way.” (ABC News)

I couldn’t help but think about the multitude of people I know who are heir to the infinite fortune, unlimited blessings, unparalleled joy, peace, happiness, and protection that are available to those who are “children of the King,” – and yet certainly don’t live that way.

Perhaps Mr. Samasko had no idea of the value of his collection. Many Believers don’t either. Maybe he was waiting till he got “old” (he was 69 when he died) to spend his fortune. Lots of folks I know are going to “take possession” of their inheritance “one of these days.” Imagine all the good he might have accomplished, feeding the hungry, clothing the homeless, sheltering the needy, reaching out in llove to minister to a world of folks with little or nothing in life.

Evidently he chose not to live large. And so do so many Believers. Was it a waste of resources in a World hungry for so many things? And what about “us?” In a lost and dying World – are we living large in the things of God?

One Comment

  • Esther Wade

    I feel that too many of ‘us’ don’t remember who we are in Christ and what that really means to us as God’s children. If indeed the fullness of God dwells in us, since Christ dwells in us, and we in him, the living large BENEFITS are endless and quite mind boggling. The cares of this world, and the busyness we Find OURSELVES trapped in, dim God’s absolute best For all of us. Oh Lord, open our eyes that we may see what You have in store for us. May we ever draw closer to You so we can hear your heartbeat and wonderfuL whispers meant expressly for us individually.

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