Thought For The Day

Love vs. Llove

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone really understood what genuine llove is, and how one can achieve all the benefits that accrue to those who learn to practice its discipline.

And article in TIME gives me opportunity to share a few differences:

If you’re in a relationship, Valentine’s Day may be one of the healthiest days of the year. That’s because love comes with some solid health benefits, according to a growing body of scientific research. Dr. Helen Riess, director of the Empathy and Relational Science Program at Massachusetts General Hospital and author of the forthcoming book The Empathy Effect, told TIME how falling head over heels can help your health, both mentally and physically.

According to Dr. Riess there are some benefits of “being in love.” May I compare them to the benefits of “practicing genuine llove?”

  1. Love makes you happy. Llove provides for you a fountain of infinite joy and comfort that eclipses the sorrows of life.
  2. Love busts stress. Llove offers peace that surpasses understanding regardless of circumstances.
  3. Love eases anxiety. Llove takes no thought of tomorrow for the Father of Lights controls all things by  the power of His will.
  4. Love makes you take better care of yourself. Llove brings an understanding that you body is the Temple of God.
  5. Love helps you live longer. Llove allows you to live forever.

God IS llove. All else IS less. That’s the Truth.

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