Thought For The Day

Most Important!

The most important thing in life is being ready for death! Scripture is clear, “it is appointed for people to die once – and after this, judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27) It is often said that no one makes it out of this life alive. Enoch and Elijah, yes, but that was a long time ago,

The wages of sin is death, and since all people are born in sin (the human nature), death is sure to follow. Right now, all around us, people are dying of Covid-19. But if it is not that, there are plenty of other ways to leave this planet behind, and we are not unfamiliar with most of them. I understand that few, if any, want to discuss the matter, but there comes a time when the need is so overwhelming it is impossible to avoid. We lost a friend to death this week. Chalk it up as just another among those who leave this World every day. He was middle age, not old, not sick, not expecting to leave it this way, and not that day. Yes, he had some health issues, but they were being addressed. On a few days of R&R. . .and he’s gone, unsuspecting, surely he has entered into the arms of God.

What about you? If today was your last day on Earth. . .are you ready? I don’t mean to be harsh, or pushy, or forward, but this is most important. It won’t wait. Maybe several more years await you, or maybe just a few. Maybe this is the week of a terminal illness diagnosis. Stop! you say. But it’s more important than any other thing I can tell you. I never want  you to have to say. . .”you were my friend, and  you never asked me about my soul, my innermost being, whether or not I was born again or lost to the Truth that we all will face at the end of this life. . .someday, with or without HIS GRACE.

Jesus died to redeem you!! You must be born again!! You have to face your humanity, lost, condemned, moving toward eternity without God, or know that you have come to faith in Jesus Christ. It is the most important issue you will ever face!

Read the Scriptures: John 3:16; Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:8-9. Everything depends on it!

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