Thought For The Day

My Soul! Really?

Real Christians are most of my best friends. Real Christians are those whom I have chosen to llove and serve over the course of most of my life. Sometime real Christians just get me all uptight. Pretend christians make me worry (and obviously, a little angry) about whether or not the World will reject real Christians out of hand.

Some Christians have taken to social media channels to protest the new Starbucks holiday cup, which they say is conspicuously devoid of images of both Christmas and Jesus Christ himself. The new cup, which is shades of red with the Starbucks logo, showed up in stores late last month. “Starbucks REMOVED CHRISTMAS from their cups because they hate Jesus,” wrote Joshua Feuerstein in a viral Facebook post with nearly 10 million views. (TIME)

Are you kidding me? Since when did Starbucks become the purveyor of God’s grace in Christ Jesus? I never go to Starbucks, and have only seen the cups in a picture. They are red with a Starbucks logo. I am supposed to be offended by that? Give me a break. I don’t expect Starbucks to put images of Christ or Christmas trees or decorations of any kind on their cups. Why would they? Well! Well! Why would they? Answer the question!

My soul, for Heaven’s sake, if you christians/Christians (speaking of those who are broken up over this wanton “hating” of Jesus) want cups with an image of Jesus on them, print them, pass them out – knock yourself out. But good grief, stop such a mistaken, wasted, useless, foolish, silly, rant, before you get mistaken as someone who is representing the Author of Grace for all men, through the blood of Christ, via His Church.

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