Thought For The Day

New Ideas

The “Conservatives” in Congress have formed a new group to develop “market based” strategies to combat the “Green New Deal” the Democrats are pushing. This Global Climate Change thing is really heating up. And I for one say “thank goodness. Finally!”

I have been studying interstellar planetary science for so long my mind has been charged with excitement since Al Gore started noticing where our planet is headed. If you are not a student of other planets let me remind you that Mars was once almost an exact replica of Earth. In fact, its was even more lush and rich with forests, rivers,  and mountains of extraordinary beauty. The snow that covered Northern climes housed much of the same wildlife we have come to love here on Earth – Polar bears, penguins, and wonderful, beautiful arctic foxes. Birds of every species were abundant, and the oceans (they only had four great oceans there) were teeming with whales, dolphins, fish of every kind, along with those incredible jelly-fish from which miracles of medicine were developed extending human life on Mars to well beyond 200 years.

Well, to make a 10,000,000 year story a bit shorter, Mars began to heat up just like Earth is now doing. Over the course of a relatively brief period (10,000 years) the temperature rose to the point where the plants and animals began to suffer and die out. Eventually, with the pollution of gases used to sustain life those on Mars demanded, everything begin to die. A few of the richest people managed to hang on for an additional few hundred years, but then even what they had hoarded played out. Now, through our finest telescopes and Martian Rover, it is easy to see the result of ignoring Global Climate Change.

Thank you Congress! Whether it is the Republicans with their market-driven work, or the Democrats with their New Green Deal, smart people are beginning to care. Surely Al Gore’s beginning will ultimate lead to our salvation. In the language of the young, “Go Get ‘Em, Guys!!!”

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