Thought For The Day

No Confidence – Confidence

I  have absolutely no confidence in the Mueller Investigation.

I have absolutely no confidence in the Congress of the United States.

I have absolutely no confidence in the major (or minor) political parties of our Nation.

I have very little confidence in our Justice System here in the United States.

I have very little confidence in what I am told by the ” National Media” regarding most things about which they drone on and on, over and over, which are so biased a ten year old can figure it out.

I have little confidence in people who tell me one thing, and live their life in opposition to what they have told me.

I have absolute confidence in the Scriptures. They say what they mean and mean what they say.

I have absolute confidence that the Church of Jesus Christ will prevail in all things for which they (not it) were designed.

I have absolute confidence that I will spend eternity in the place our Savior has prepared for those who llove Him and in whom He lives.

I am reasonably confident that there are those people in this World who llove me, trust me, and are joyful when we are together.

Now that I have answered some of the questions people pose to me, I feel better. I hope you do too.


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