Thought For The Day

Not Enough

I suppose I am pretty far out there when it comes to pre-meditated, first degree, capital murder. So many people seem to find it acceptable, even “useful,” or necessary. I am convinced it is none of the above.

Trying to quell the controversy over its use of fetal tissue, Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday that it would no longer accept reimbursement for the costs of providing the tissue for medical research. (New York Times)

First, they are undoubtedly hiding behind their assertion that they were making zero dollars over cost for such provision, when they report $125 million a year revenue over expenses. Secondly, the issue is abortion. It is their primary business – “women’s health” is 2 percent of their business. Everyone who participates should be going to court, and hopefully prison, for selling body parts. But beyond that, they need to be stopped dead in their tracks in their butcher-shop business.

Shame on those who will back down now believing a victory for life has been won. All the weapons, wielded by all the murderers in the United States in 2013, for example, brought about 13,716 deaths (Uniform Crime Reports by the Federal Bureau of Investigation). Compare that with what this most violent group perpetrates on our society.

 The only victory here is that Planned Parenthood will stay in business committing murder at the rate of 327,ooo per year according to Representative Diane Black, as reported in the New York Times – give or take a few (hundred?; thousand?) lives.

Stopping them from selling baby body parts is not enough!


  • tuneheister

    I believe it is an indication that god truly has given a vast number of people over to their reprobate minds when roughly half the people in the u.s. see absolutely nothing wrong with this horrendous practice, and go out of their way to defend and promote it.

  • dp

    Amen. We need to continue to pray that God will continue to Openly expose their deeds. That they that perform and support the murder of children would have no rest, that they would hear the screams of the babies anytime they close their eyes. Pray that the moms will find repentance and Peace for what they have been duped into performing.

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