Thought For The Day

Opposite Counsel

It is not the policy of Lloveletters to speak negatively about individuals, but in this case I think it wise to offer a word to those who have young teens, and older teens (for that matter) regarding sexual misinformation.

Donna Freitas is an author who is suggesting the best way to teach teens sexual behavior is for them to immerse themselves in books and stories that are nothing more than glorified (?) “porn.” Because our society is saturated with sex, and the current definitions of “consent” and “abuse” are in question even at the highest levels of our Government, there are those who wish to capitalize on profiting from salacious material, and further degrade our society with sexual deviance, while pretending they are “helping” with the issues.

She (Ms. Freitas) suggests three novels (titles of which I will not reveal here):

These three novels are found gold — sex and consent education all rolled into incredibly written, hilarious, poignant, challenging, openly communicative love and sex stories with emotionally and sexually complex characters and situations. Gottfred [author of one novel] is fearless. His sex scenes are detailed and explicit. His characters say things like, “Is it okay if I pull down your underwear?” and even compliment penises. You could just hand these to your kids and say: ‘Okay, go learn about sex and consent, and afterward we’ll chat and review.’ (TIME)

God forbid! Send your children to the Scriptures. Teach them the wisdom and purity of God’s design for men and women regarding sexual matters. LISTEN to them, give Godly counsel, encourage them to ask YOU the questions they have, and give them the correct answers.

Our society is awash in sexual misconduct and predation because of garbage and filth produced by those with an immoral greed and unbounded laxity of discipline in matters surrounding sexual behavior.

Protect your “kids” from such!!




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