Thought For The Day


Making the attempt to see circumstances and situations from God’s perspective is a challenge that demands a concentrated focus. Succeeding is difficult, but well worth the effort.

One place where the Church of Jesus Christ needs a  multitude of practitioners is in seeing the individual potential in those who become part of the family. An early mentor taught me that nothing is more abundant in our World that unrealized potential. To be the one who sees that potential in others, encourages its development, and find places, areas, and ministries for its utilization is a place of Spiritual maturity well beyond the norm.

Is exercising that perspective a gift from God? Perhaps. But it may well be that anyone who is willing to commit to the task can be invaluable in finding workers so desperately needed by the family of God.

Scripture commands Believers to ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into that harvest. Perhaps you could be one who discerns the potential workers even before they recognize God’s calling to use the potential he has placed within them. I assure you your Church family could use your focused perspective.


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