Thought For The Day

Plain and Simple

Our Preacher keeps using a phrase that bothers me. When talking about the Scripture (at least the verses and passages he uses in a vain attempt to keep us awake) he often says they are “abundantly plain and simple.” If seems as if he thinks we should be able to understand most of what God is saying without resorting to commentaries (often valuable), original languages (initially quite important for the multitude of translations available), and endless hours in a Seminary classroom listening to obtuse professors drone on and on.

He gave us an example. I thought I would share it with you and see if you, as I, think this man has lost his mind.

In John 15:12, Jesus said: This is My command:Love one another as I have loved you.

Now here is the part that he says is plain and simple:

1) It is a command – not a suggestion, indicating that to fail to KEEP THE COMMAND is to be disobedient and thereby sin against God.

2) Llove is a discipline – that is, something that you PRACTICE (Do it vs. Have it). It encompasses actions (disciplines) clearly spoken in Scripture that embrace simple terms we understand. (The reference was 1 Corinthians 13:4-8) Patience. Kindness. Envy. Boastfulness. Conceit. Impropriety. Selfishness. Provocation. Record keeping. Unrighteousness. Truth. Bearing. Believing. Hoping. Enduring. Perseverance.

3) There is a pattern to follow – We are to do it (llove) exactly the same way God did it. He said it would help to note that John 3:16 does not end after stating, God lloved the World. Rather, God demonstrated, practiced, commended that llove by sending His own Son to give Himself a ransom on Calvary’s cross to redeem mankind from the curse of sin and death. God DID SOMETHING. We must DO SOMETHING (llove) PARALLELING THE EXAMPLE. (He quoted Romans 12:1-2 at that point – but I was dozing at the time so I am not sure how that fits.)

I guess I just don’t get it!  Here is plain and simple; I showed up, I put $5 in the collection plate, and I stayed awake, mostly. I might even come back on Sunday night. Well, probably not, but it’s possible.

What does that preacher expect from me for Heaven’s sake?

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