Thought For The Day

Post First Debate

I can’t believe I watched the Whole Thing! Since I usually get up before 4am, I like to get to bed around 9pm. But I made an exception last night (as I do most nights) and stayed to the very end.

I had hoped to learn something that I didn’t know. I was looking for a piece of information, a policy, a reason, a clear call to something better, wiser, stronger, or ANYTHING that would give me a little peace about the race for President of the United States.

In the end, I’ve got nothing. A friend (Random Ramblings from a Grumpy Old Man) said it best: “Hillary lied. Trump said something stupid.”

So I just decided to turn to the Truth. I turn there often these days even in relationship to politics. Never felt I had to do that before, but here we are in a time when there are just no alternatives but to elect one of these people to the office.

Psalm 66:6b-7a. . .There did we rejoice in Him, who rules by His might forever, whose eyes keep watch on the nations. . .

The Psalmist is absolutely right. God Rules! God Rules Forever! God is watching and God know all about this Nation, and every other Nation! While I am confident there is no “bed of roses” in the near future for us (read: U. S.), God will see us through, or take us Home, or care for us regardless of our circumstances. That’s the peace and joy of faith in Christ.

Don’t hear me saying we can forget the Body Politic. You need to make up your mind, if you have not already, and vote by mail, vote early, or get to the Polls (Pick one, if you are not in Chicago).

One Comment

  • Anonymous

    LOL…you quoted someone as saying they lied and said something stupid, is that something new? Different? unexpected?
    If someone cannot make up their mind…I surely wonder…

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