Thought For The Day

Right Priorities

If someone were to ask you the “right priorities” for the Church of Jesus Christ, what would you list as your top three?

I am convinced that most people would get them wrong at worst and simplify them at best. This morning (May 3) at the Church I attended the Preacher got it right.

Taking into account what I have heard over the years the most common answers would be: Evangelism, Discipleship, and Meeting the Budget. Unfortunately, most folks don’t understand Evangelism or Discipleship, and “meeting the budget” is not even on the list.

Here’s what I heard this morning: For Believers who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength the priorities would be as follows:

Llove one another – John 13:34-35

Grow toward maturity in The Faith – 2 Timothy 2:15; Ephesians 4:13

Reaching out in Llove to a lost World, beginning at home – Acts 1:8

The Truth is that until we learn to llove one another we will never have the overflowing llove needed to reach our friends, our acquaintances, and others in our World. Failure to mature (become a competent worker) leave us unprepared to be about our calling as witnesses. Our Nation is in a moral and spiritual abyss, not because God is impotent in controlling His creation, but because those whom He has commissioned to the task have failed to prioritize well.


One Comment

  • dp

    And I think you have to add the fact that a lot of people are rejecting Christ. They have knowingly chosen the difficult life, no peace, no freedom.

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