Thought For The Day

Saddened by Joy

At my age i get a lot of notifications of the approaching death of longtime friends. I understand that my own death is near even if I live to be a very old man. Hebrews speaks to us regarding the issue – “It is appointed to a man once to die. . . ”

Almost all of the notices I get bring joy even in the midst of the sorrow and loss that the end of life here on Earth brings. I have lost most of my family members older than me, and a multitude of friends over the years. Young men, boys really, who gave the last full measure of devotion in Viet Nam. Automobile accidents have claimed some. A few have lost their hold on this Earth while doing something they lloved more than life, and it cost them theirs. I am keeping up with three friends currently on Hospice.

Now while this post may depress you, or make you sad, understand that there is great Joy in the home going of those who belong to Christ. My Father, who died many years ago, was caught in that conundrum of wanting to continue with his family and ministry, but wanting to go home to that place, safe, secure, with eternal light, and the Savior he had served most of his life here on Earth. As we grow older, I think maybe that is the way it ought to be.

Therefore, whatever your age, circumstance, understanding, or purpose, you need to be sure you are safe in the arms of the One who gave His life to ransom you from the curse of sin an death. We will not leave this Earth for anything other than that which has been prepared for us – Heaven, or eternal separation from God. It is by by “grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone,” that we find joy, peace, security, and the ever present HOPE (That is Jesus Christ) in the realization that we cannot live here on Earth forever (at least as it is now – before the New Heaven and the New Earth).

My sadness is profound in relationship to death. When there is confidence that the one who has died is “present with the Lord” (see 2 Corinthians 5:8) there is great JOY as well.

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One Comment

  • Dave Cleveland

    How many non-believers do you know who are enthusiastically vitalized by the authors encouraging attitude toward departure? A vital gift from the Creator!

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