Thought For The Day

Scam for the Believer

“Spirituality is unrelated to regular Church attendance.” The someone(s) who makes that assertion forgot to read the Book. It never ceases to amaze me that there are those who believe that “Christian life” is a singular pursuit, and if we just read the Bible often enough, pray long enough, and attempt to live a “good” life (whatever that means), we are well on our way to pleasing God, and soon to inherit eternity in His presence. That is a scam on the people of God.

I repeat, someone forgot to read the Book. No where in the history of this World, from Adam in the Garden of Eden, to those who are alive and part of the family of God when Christ returns for His Bride, are we given the idea that we are in this alone. Rather the preponderance of Scripture screams the reality that we are a family, a people, a ecclesia, designed to be together, practicing the discipline of llove together, worshiping together, and sharing the journey caring for, teaching, encouraging, supporting, even submitting, to one another.

The only place where that happens is in the collective gathering of “born again” Believers. Whether it is two or 200,000 (and the larger the number the harder it gets to accomplish the task) we need each other.

Over the  years I have heard many voices urging others to believe that joining regularly with the family of God, being a vital part of a Biblical Church, sharing or walk and way, our experiences, our cares, our intellect and wisdom with others, is not a necessary component of becoming all that our Savior redeemed us to be. I beg to differ.

Could an Omnipotent, Omniscient God caused it to be that way? Alone. Yes, sure. But He didn’t! Adam was not expected to be alone and God gave him one like himself. As the “Church” became a reality in the World, it would bear the task of each one being part of everyone, for all to become transformed, little by little, to the image of Jesus Christ (see Romans 8:29).

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