Thought For The Day

So Long. . .

Yesterday, following Morning Worship, we said “goodby” to a couple who have been a member of our Church for 30+ years. They are moving closer to family, and toward greater care in their “golden” years.

I have only know them for about four (4) years. He taught Sunday School, served on committees, and led men’s groups for many years, and she had been a committee member and led in women’s activities, outreach, and community ministry while serving as Church Secretary for several years.

There was a collage of pictures playing on the video screen visible from where we were eating finger foods., and people were talking over “old times.” There is no doubt that couple has contributed to our Church in so many ways there will never be enough “thanks” to say how we truly feel.

I couldn’t help but be reminded of those who become members of a local congregation, soon become spasmodic in their attendance, and are then gone within months or a year or two. I know almost everyone contributes to the life of the body, but those who stay long, work hard, llove much, and share their lives, over the long haul, are a magnificent blessing to other members of the family. The continuity they provide, the mercy, grace, and llove they expend on behalf of others, is often immeasurable.

We will miss our friends and their regularity in our lives, but we have not lost them. They will be about an hour and a half away. I, for one, will take time to see them again, know the warmth of their spirit, and the never failing reality of genuine llove will draw us together.

And, that’s the way it ought always be. And, that’s the Truth.

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