Thought For The Day

Something Going On

There is something going on –

People who, not long ago, might not have possessed much of a chance for elective office are winning. People who have been relatively quiet about immigration, guns, education, the U. S. Congress, the Supreme Court of the United States, and a multitude of other issues, are beginning to speak out. Whether one sees that as good or bad, at least it seems to be more closely related to the intent of the Founders of this American experiment of representative government.

Perhaps it’s time for the same kind of “revolution” in the Church of Jesus Christ. Not the kind of revolution George Barna and others like him would promote, but the kind that says, “Let’s get back to where this all started – the Word of God.”

Theologians (?) argue the issues. Preachers (?) formulate idea and try them out on people. People, kind and gentle, sweet by nature because of the indwelling presence of God’s Spirit, listen (or don’t), grow more and more confused, and spend more time looking for what they can believe, than believing what they know.

What if the “masses” decided enough is enough. The Bible (God’s revealed Word of Truth) says what it means, and means what it says. It’s not complicated, obtuse, obstructed, unclear or difficult — and, and, and – it comes with it’s own Interpreter.

My pastor is not the “sharpest knife in the drawer” (so to speak), but he does recognize the Truth when he sees it. Since he is an “ordinary” guy, with an “ordinary” mind (well, sorta, most of the time) the rest of us can recognize it too!

Let’s start a “revolution!”

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