Thought For The Day

Sometimes We Forget Who We Are

Sometimes I am struck by the reality that we are a forgetful bunch of folks. I know because I am a huge offender in relationship to forgetfulness.

Yesterday, I was watching when the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America announced that she had instructed the House to write Articles of Impeachment accusing the President of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Following her announcement, in which she did not appear to be joking, someone, a Press person I think, asked her a questions which she obviously did not want to answer. In a bit of (what appeared to me) frustration she said, with clear animosity, “don’t you mess with me!” It is my opinion that, for just a moment, she forget who she works for, who is her employer, who pays her salary, who she is supposed to represent. Once in a while, when I have an employee on hand, I have a tendency to “mess with them” when they repeatedly, frequently, and boldly fail at the job for which they are being paid.

I am also certain that many of us as Believers forget who we are. We are not good at taking “correction” from God’s Word when He discloses failure in our obedience and the display of His righteousness in us. (see 2 Timothy 3:16) There are times when, as Believers, we forget that the Scripture (God’s revealed Word) is designed, in part, for use by the Holy Spirit, to keep us pure, righteous, holy, obedient, and moving toward maturity in The Faith. We forget that we are His property, “You are not your own, you were bought with a price. . . . (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Whether it is by our words or our actions we say to God our Father, or one of His representatives, with great boldness, “don’t you mess with me!” I don’t want that kind of attitude or those kinds of words to depart from my mouth when they well  up in my disobedient heart. I belong to Him. I am a slave to Him, for indeed He owns me – lock, stock, and barrel. The purchase cost was infinite.

Perhaps others might remind themselves that they are “employees” of We the People of the United States of America. And “messing with them” is our privilege.

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