Thought For The Day

Sunday Morning

As I write this I am watching the Preacher (in his office) reading his chosen passage from Scripture and going over notes for the message he will share in about two hours. Every once in a while he will close his eyes, and I assume he is praying, or maybe he is trying to remember that illustration, or bit of insight, that is a part of his vast knowledge (he will like me saying that) regarding messages he has read, delivered by the icons of the past, or written himself, or preached before his time at this place in life.

One thing that is going through his mind is the reality that everything he has said before needs to be said again. I know that because he tells me. . .regularly. It is amazing that we hear things over and over and over again, and yet we don’t seem to internalize them to the point that they become part of our daily life and walk in a spiritual sense. After 60 plus years in ministry in one way or another, he recognizes that we are quick to be distracted from the presence of God’s Spirit deep within leading, guiding, driving us toward personal holiness and intimacy with the Father, not to mention our task of sharing Truth and faith, llove and hope, wisdom and understanding as we encounter others along life’s way.

One would think that hearing the reality of our calling (see Matthew 28:19-20; John 13:35) over and over again would move each of us, and collectively all of  us, into a lifestyle of witnessing, teaching, caring, and most of all lloving others. Yet, even though we hear it over and over we seem to walk away affected no longer than the time it takes us to get home after Church.

He is going to talk about “A Holy People, A Spiritual Agenda, and A Missional Approach” this morning. It is something he has spoken about, and we have heard about, over and over. . .and yet. . .well, I will refrain from saying it again.

One thing he has taught me over the years we have shared is that we all hear what God has designed for us to hear, if we are willing to listen (God is like that), and it is our responsibility to follow the direction of the Spirit, leading us into absolute obedience. So how come so many of us are still struggling just to listen. . .much less get seriously involved in why we were chosen?

It’s like one of those “dilemma” things, or “conundrum” things, right? Hummmm, maybe that is why he closes his eyes every so often.



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