Thought For The Day

Take Time

Soon the Thanksgiving holiday will be upon us. It seems to me it may be the most “un-celebrated” holiday of the year. And even for those who do celebrate, the reasons for doing so are legion.

I hear a lot about turkeys, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and that wonderful, rarely served “dressing.” But I don’t hear much about genuine thanksgiving, and many of those who indicate they are thankful have no focus for where that thankfulness should be directed.

I suggest you begin now to think about those things for which you are thankful. . .perhaps begin a list. If you are thinking clearly, there are many people to thank for the good things in your life. A letter, note, phone call, even a text or e-mail (the last two not best, but adequate) to that person is certainly appropriate. A few days before Thanksgiving day, get those “thanks” out to the people who have blessed your life. If that sounds like too much work, start tomorrow, one or two a day, and who knows you may be at this for months. . . or years.

Of course there is nothing that is ours which does not ultimately come from our Heavenly Father. Rather than taking a minute or two with God, just before you enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, why not begin now to take notice of His blessings in your life and offer genuine thanks every day. By the time Thanksgiving day arrives you will be well on your way toward obedience. . .“Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

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