Thought For The Day

The Enemy’s Distractions

The Believer has an Enemy that is incredibly subtle and crafty in distracting mankind from the real dangers in life. Some (maybe most) of the disfunction that plagues our society at the moment is real and reviling. Some (maybe most) is a distraction from the most important matters that face us as a Nation and a people.

Examples of wise action these days would be to work effectively to lessen the dysfunction of Government, resolve the developing problems with North Korea, create a viable structure for medical insurance that would serve the needs of the most people, and rectify immigration issues. Instead our “media,” and our Government are stuck on “who touched who,” and “who said what.”

I understand that focus will change with the wind, but every step away from – Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah, The people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance  (Psalm 33:12) – is one more step toward the collapse of our great America.

The Enemy will continue his pursuit of destroying any Nation that abandons Truth, Godliness, and wholesome lives lived in the strength of God’s power. Don’t be distracted by the winds of evil and discord. Stand firm in the Spirit of holiness.




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