Thought For The Day

The Message

Messages in 2018 are everywhere, and the ways to “send” them are legion. There was a time when that was not so. Perhaps, somewhere along the way you have sent a message into the World by putting a note in a bottle and tossing it into the ocean, river, or lake. I know I have. I have never received a reply.

An Australian couple was taking a walk on the beach when they found an artifact that would later be recognized as the world’s oldest message in a bottle. Tonya and Kym Illman were walking in the sand dunes of Wedge Island — a remote beach on the Western Australian coast — in January when they found the innocuous bottle and picked it up as a potential decoration for their bookcase. The couple then passed it off to their son’s girlfriend, who noticed paper inside, thinking it might be a “rolled-up cigarette.” Not wanting to damage the bottle’s contents, the Illman’s decided to take the bottle home and dry out the paper in their oven. “Then we unrolled it and saw printed writing,” Kym told the BBC. “We could not see the handwritten ink at that point, but saw a printed message that asked the reader to contact the German consulate when they found the note.” (Travel and Leisure)

Turns out the note was tossed from a German ship studying ocean currents 132 years ago. A rare and wonderful find. One could only hope it could happen.

Less difficult to find is the Message God sent to this World, in the person of His Son, to demonstrate His infinite llove for you and me. Unfortunately most people overlook it, somehow thinking that it is useless or some kind of hoax. Many believe there is no life, no peace, no joy, no hope, no power, no llove, found in that age old message. They leave it on the beach of life thinking it is only a bit of debris tossed out by an uncaring entity.

But, not so. The Message is there, clear and plain, in God’s Word. The Message is proclaimed in a Church near you. Finding it, believing it, appropriating it, is life abundant, life eternal, and resolution for the curse of sin and death.

Find The Message. It is a matter of life and death. Among all the messages in your life, it is the one that matters most.

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