Thought For The Day

The Most Important Decision

I am not an overt supporter of the American Family Association because I don’t know a lot about them. It appears that they are predominately on the right side of Truth in what I do read and understand. I was struck by their call to Believers to pray regarding the April 28th Supreme Court’s hearing the arguments which attempt to redefine marriage in America. Here’s a        portion of the request I received.

On April 28, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for and against redefining marriage in America. The very institution of God’s design for marriage as only between one man and one woman is on trial. As hard as it is to believe, nine people will decide if our nation will honor God and obey Him, or turn its back on the most fundamental building block of society and on God himself. This will be the most important decision in the history of America. I don’t have to tell you, the consequences this decision could have on people of faith is staggering. As you know, private business owners have already come under great pressure to surrender their religious liberty and provide services to same-sex marriages. It would only be a matter of time before pastors and churches would be coerced to do the same. (American Family Association – emphasis theirs)

I don’t disagree with their stand or their conclusion, but I do have a question for you. . .and I suppose for them. Is that really the most important decision in the history of America? I am wondering if the most important decision in the history of America has already been made (and continues to be made daily) by the “millions” (??) of Believers who have abdicated their responsibility to live in obedience to the Truth, make Jesus Christ LORD of life, orient their lives toward no compromise on the principles of righteousness both personally and corporately, and commitment to the family of God, above all other interests.

What we are seeing in 2015 is a result of decisions made in decades (centuries?) past, through our unwillingness to require from our Government, our Educational Institutions, our elected officials, our Churches, and our leaders, the maintenance of a “Christian (or better, Biblical) Worldview.”

Perhaps there never was a time when genuine Believers could have made the decisions necessary to accomplish such. Certainly it is true now. We are past a time when the influence of genuine Believers sways (or perhaps, even affects) the direction of the Nation. DO NOT hear me saying that God is impotent in light of the prayers of His people, only that His people may be impotent in their willingness to commit to the measure of prayer necessary. (For an example see the narrative of Matthew 17:14ff)

Oh, listen! I encourage  you to pray – for that is always the will of God. As to whether or not our Nation will turn “its back on the most fundamental building block of society and on God Himself,” I fear that decision was made while the Church of Jesus Christ was “asleep at the wheel.”

NOTE: “Asleep at the wheel” – Focused on Budgets, Buildings, and Boastings

One Comment

  • dp

    Amen, individual decisions for Christ as you say are the most important Decision that can occur, all others disappear the day eternity begins.
    Biblical accounts are to give us hope (For what we are seeing in the present). As we see evil called good in our Nation, you can only say, it is nothing new, Nothing surprising (to the Lord) and it will end.
    It is Finished.

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