Thought For The Day

The Standoff

Underlying every argument in life, there is a difference of opinion. It is true that those opinions are so deeply held it is likely, that at some point, intervention will are required.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday for a Colorado baker who wouldn’t make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple in a limited decision that leaves for another day the larger issue of whether a business can invoke religious objections to refuse service to gay and lesbian people. (TIME)

Our Nation is struggling with morality, especially when it embraces such things as “same-sex” marriages. In the case cited above, a baker is opposed to same-sex marriage and refused to participate by providing a uniquely designed wedding cake. The “same-sex” marriage couple refused to look elsewhere and demanded the baker provide the cake anyway even though his (the baker) principles would not allow him to do so.

There are simple common sense methods of settling such arguments without weighing down the SCOTUS. Find another baker – perhaps the simplest solution. Each party should be happy with with going their way and finding someone else to make the cake.

But that won’t fit the “agenda.” Much of our current society seems obsessed with the concept that one (or more) person’s rights, under the Constitution, must be subsumed by the rights of another person (or group) if it fits an “agenda” masquerading as a “civil right.”

Here’s a simple solution. Each individual gets to choose  whom he serves, and each individual being served get to choose someone who is willing to do so. That is individual freedom.

In a sense, the Church of Jesus Christ operates under that directive. The Church chooses what “doctrine” it proclaims and those who agree attend and those who don’t, don’t. Looking around will reveal any number of Churches that are willing to cast doctrine (Truth) aside and proclaim whatever is popular and fits the occasion and moment.

One should never be able to take to Court someone who doesn’t want to be part of another’s life or lifestyle. People ought to be part of the Church, but they don’t have to be, and I have no right to attempt to “make” them become a part. Even God does not do that! People should never be able to take to Court a person who chooses a lifestyle that is antithetical to their beliefs with the intent of forcing other persons to adopt a particular thought or action or lifestyle.





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