Thought For The Day

Time to Vote

I have already shared with you that I believe it is our responsibility to vote. But we must also recognize what we are voting for. President of the United States of America is a powerful position. While our Constitution calls for a “separation of powers,” the reality is we have watched particularly over the last eight years (and to some degree much longer) as two of those powers (Executive, Judicial) have dominated, while the third (Legislative) has remained weak, accomplishing almost nothing but political gridlock. That imbalance has visited upon our Nation unprecedented damage, pain, and unnecessary suffering.

Our Nation is sinking into an abyss of immorality, injustice, strife, anger, hatred, and despair, and we have no candidate for President who has been able to demonstrate the characteristics required by God to rule.

It is time to edit out of our thinking personalities, character, personal histories, and look at our choice based on the reality that maintaining the status quo is a slide into socialism, destruction of our Constitution, exponential growth in the abyss mentioned above, and an end to our Republic as we know it. Your vote is the one opportunity you have to choose a different direction. As scary as that may be (and I freely and readily admit it is scary), it is required of those of us who have any sense about us at all to vote for change. Your vote is not an approval of an appalling life style, or an endorsement of sin. Rather, it is a call, founded in the hope, that we might begin a return to what is right, good, moral, and honest, embracing again the goals of our Founding Fathers. They understood that our Republic could not stand if our leaders were corrupt. It is my opinion that our Federal Government has achieved absolute corruption.

I would be foolish to tell you that your vote for a different direction will put us back on a path that leads to a re-establishment of a great Nation, blessed of God. But I fully and firmly believe that failure to do so continues the approach, and hastens the speed, of the end of America.

Please, please, read Psalm 2. 

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