Thought For The Day


Finding treasure is always enjoyable. . .and often very profitable.

As my lovely bride and I were wandering (taking the tour, of course) through the ante-bellum home on the edge of the Mississippi this week, we were shown a piece of sculpture – signed by Gutzon Borglum (think Mt. Rushmore), of a seated Abraham Lincoln. It’s a small piece, sitting on a magnificent piece of furniture, and the story goes. . .

The owner of the house bought the statue at an auction thinking it to be bronze. After arriving home he discovers it is not bronze, but silver. It is a beautiful piece and the detail is striking. One can actually feel the blood veins in the hands, feel the smallest crease in the face, and even the President’s toe inside his boot. We were told that if it were scrapped for the value of the silver – it would fetch about $49,000.00. The value as is – well, we were left to guess. Imagine finding such a rare and valuable piece at the next auction you attend, and buying it a song.

I thought of the Scripture where God’s Spirit reminds us that we are but simple clay projects, shaped by the Master’s hand, to be a vessel fit for His use. And, what is that use? To hold within us, and to share from us, the infinite treasure of the matchless grace of God. The most valuable of all treasures, the Good News of God’s llove, contained in earthen ware. Silver statues, even by Borglum, cannot compare.

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