Thought For The Day

What If. . .

What if everyone who wants to come to America to take up residency was welcomed without any kind of vetting or requirements regarding a disclosure of their background or history. How many would come? What would be the result or outcome of that policy over the course of time?

What if anyone present in the United States, but not born in the United States, who wished to do so, could, after 30 days or more of residency, simply make a formal declaration that he/she was a Citizen of the United States? What kind of people would live in your neighborhood?

What if being found at a polling place on election day was sufficient reason to allow a person to vote on whatever matters were at hand? Would the best candidates always win?

Our laws in America require that we know who is coming and going and is critically important that people who would be a part of our great America know who we are, and what we cherish. . .and why.

Voting without knowledge of a candidate’s platform and positions damages the progress of our Nation toward excellence and greatness.

In God’s Kingdom none of these problem exist – He has a perfect plan!

The Omniscient, Infinite God of Creation provided ONE WAY into His eternal home – Heaven. (John 14:6)

Those in Heaven will be just as He is. (Romans 8:29)

There is no need for voting in the Kingdom of God. He’s got this!! (Daniel 2:22)

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