Thought For The Day

What To Think

Have you ever looked for a new Church family? Most people don’t stay in the same Church family for their entire life. There are multitudes of reasons people move from one family to another – sometimes because they move from one place to another, or they become disillusioned where they are, or need something (programs, ministries, services, etc.) that they don’t have.

I have been thinking about what people look for when making a change – for whatever reason. I am confident that the most important consideration may not be at the forefront of one’s mind. While everything about a Church and its operation are important – even vital – one thing stands above all the rest in my opinion.

Can I, may I, am I willing to llove these folks? Most “Church people” I know have a reasonably good handle on the first of the greatest commandments (according to Jesus). “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30)

It is that second commandment with which many struggle – and sometimes, if not often, really don’t consider as thoroughly as one should when changing Church families. “The second is: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these. (Mark 12:31)

You, your family, those who are a part of your life, need to find a Church were the Truth is clearly and accurately taught and preached; a place where you are comfortable with the music, the activities, the ministries and the programs. But may I remind you that you have an obligation to llove those who become a part of your Church family. It is not primarily about what “they do” (llove you), but what you do (llove them).

If you are not sure these folks are those with whom you can practice the disciplines of llove for one another, keep looking. Lloving the family of God is not optional!

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