Thought For The Day

What’s Right With America

We all know that there is a lot wrong with our beloved homeland. And while I am not so foolish as to believe that America will ever be what it once was, I can’t seem to give up hope that redemption is still available for us as a Nation.

I can still go to gatherings of the Church. Most of God’s people (or those who say they are) don’t come or seem to be concerned that they could lose the privilege. That is good for me and sad for them.

Llove can still be found. It is much to difficult for most of God’s people to practice genuine llove with regularity and intensity, but I discover every day that someone lloves me. That is so good for me. I hope you have that available to you.

The Truth is still evident, clear, and unfailing. How wonderful is that, in light of all the strident campaigns to strike it down. The reality is it will never fail, but we are close to losing the privilege of being the spokesmen for God’s Good News.

Healthy babies are born every day in America. I have a new granddaughter (my first, after five grandsons) as of this past week. How exciting is that? Regardless of the murder, infanticide, and marketing of baby body parts, America still allows us to bring our children into the World.

I can find plenty of food, fuel, shelter, and even the occasional vacation or week-end get away. America has been good to me. . .and for me. It still is in so many way. Thanks, Father!

I have had the honor of traveling literally all over this globe we call Earth. America, in my opinion and evaluation, is the best place. . .the very best place. And though I am sure that is changing, I am looking forward to tomorrow. Right here. America, land of the free, home of the brave. May it ever be so!


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