Thought For The Day


There is nothing like winning, when it is not by chance, but by discipline and hard work. Being a competitive runner allows me to know the thrill and peace of accomplishing a task and walking away with the prize. The discipline and hard work are mitigated by joining with another (or others) competitor(s), and working together through the long hours of training regularly and spending years (literally) reaching the level required to win.

Thinking about that pattern leads me to consider how much the same is true of our Spiritual experience. Of course, if we have come to faith in Christ (are redeemed, children of God, saved, born again, etc.) we already are recipients of the ultimate “prize.” We will spend eternity in the presence of God our Father in that place we call Heaven. It is a gift, amazing grace, infinite llove poured out on all who believe.

Too many times, in my estimation, the Redeemed choose to bypass the opportunity offered by our Father and His Spirit to partake of the disciplines of spiritual growth toward maturity in the faith. While we are “called” to such disciplines – prayer, Bible study, fellowship with the Saints, holiness, and conformity to the “likeness of Christ” – many choose to pass on that opportunity and waste the disciplines of ministry, service, and Spiritual maturity, consumed by the distractions of the World and failing to overcome the “wiles’ of the Enemy.

In our last race, my partner and I watched the medal ceremony (as we always do), and walked away with unanswered questions. “First place female” in the overall category (a 5k) was taken by a lady who received her trophy with great joy. Her time was shown as approximately 17 minutes. She was 51 years old, and did not have the “look” of an accomplished runner (and if you know racing, that time [near World Class] would require such). It seemed to us (my partner and me) the possibilities of that were “slim and none.” One can always find “shortcuts.”

I couldn’t help but wonder how many of God’s children, when arriving “home” will need a major makeover to “be like Christ.” Oh, I know the Scripture says “we shall all be changed,” but for some the change will be drastic. (1 Corinthians 15:51ff) I pray I won’t need “drastic” change. Discipline is the key.

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