Thought For The Day

Wrong Discussion

Jesus delivered a rather stinging rebuke to His Disciples on the boat ride across the Sea of Galilee (see Mark 8:13-21). They had experienced some amazing wonders on their journey, but they were still missing the entire point.

I often think that most of us continue that practice (missing the point) during these days in 2019. Is it possible that we are still not listening to what the Father has to say? Are we in the wrong discussion?

We talk about safe-sex with our kids, when we ought to be talking about personal holiness. We talk about when abortion is justified, when we ought to be talking about the sanctity of life. We are talking about our opinions on marriage, the family, lifestyles, gender roles, government and laws, illicit drugs, even our ideas on Church operations, when we ought to be discussing the Creator’s design for each of these areas.

I have come to believe that many of us have our attention on natural things rather than spiritual things. Isn’t that the real issue? The Father wants to talk about a lost World, and we want to talk about how much it costs. The Father wants to talk about “living sacrifices,” and we want to talk about how many times to meet each week. The Father wants to talk about perfect holiness, and we want to talk about how much sin is acceptable in our life. We want to talk about our rights and feelings, how we have been hurt and misunderstood, and the Father wants to talk about taking up a cross, dying to self, and having the mind of Christ who was willing to give up Heaven and become a ransom for my life and yours.

Let’s get in the right discussion. Live the Truth!

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