The Savior and Lord Comes
Many people celebrate the birth of the Savior and Lord during December. On this first Sunday we will remind ourselves that Isaiah prophesied His coming in Chapter 25 verse 9. The context is the “end of the age,” but it also is applicable to the time some 2000+ years ago in Bethlehem. God came robed in flesh, like man in every way, yet fully God.
During this month opportunities will arise to remind ourselves and others that the celebration is not just about the birth of Messiah, but His work to follow – Salvation and Lordship! We are sinners by birth, condemned, and we face a future separated from Him forever. We are powerless to do anything about it. That all changed with His coming. Jesus of Nazareth is not just God in flesh, but the One who brought to Earth the opportunity for every man, woman, and child to receive the gift of “new birth” in Christ leading to an eternal presence with Him in Glory.
That is not the end of the reality. Not only did He come to redeem us from the curse of sin and death, but to reign as Lord of life. His provisions for His people include Joy (John 15:11), Peace (John 14:27), Hope (Romans 5:4), Llove and Victory (Romans 8:35-39). Surely this time of year should drive us to understand and share the scope and breath of His coming.